
The easiest email marketing platform for starters – GetResponse

With every passing hour new generation of entrepreneurs are surfacing up. Interestingly this wave of entrepreneurial ventures is the ones who are making most out of content marketing. Email marketing is a highly efficient tool which allows them to reach more number of people and promote their business across the globe. However to use email marketing effectively they require an easy to operate email marketing tool with a friendly interface. There are many email marketing tools available in the market and I will be discussing about an intuitive one which makes email marketing a simple task.

There are several email marketing softwares providing various features at disposal. GetResponse is an easy to operate tool which will kick start your email marketing. Let’s explore the features which make GetResponse an easy to handle and efficient tool.


  1. Email creator:

This feature helps you create customized marketing emails through drag and drop procedure. You can choose from various templates available and even images can be picked from more than 1000 images in iStock. The images can be edited with rescaling, cropping and resizing within the created email draft. This feature is equipped with time travel functionality which makes sure that your emails reach every geographical region at the respective local time.

  1. Autoresponders

Time-based and action-based messages can be scheduled to create automated customized programs. This way the subscribers are updated with latest and relevant offers and promotions. Autoresponders for daily deals is very effective at promoting the offers which are specific to the subscriber’s needs.

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  1. Form Builder

Through this tool pre-coded new subscriber forms can be integrated with your website which will eventually assist you in increasing the size of your subscribers’ pool. More than 500 templates help you in creating the desired design for the subscriber form. Graphics and other utilities can be added to the functionalities and all this without coding.

  1. List Booster

Increasing the size of your address book becomes very easy and convenient with this tool. List booster allows you to import contacts from various sources. Addresses saved on hard disk can be uploaded and contacts can be imported from other email clients such as Gmail, Yahoo and many more. Also, you can add people from your LinkedIn network and send them newsletters.

  1. Inbox Preview

Once the newsletter is created you have to be very sure that it is error free and can be displayed across various platforms. Inbox Preview allows provides you the assurance that your email newsletter will look appropriate on any screen. These screens might belong to a desktop computer, inbox of any other email client or even a smartphone. This feature is clubbed with email creator and is just one click away.

  1. Intelligent marketing

GetResponse is decorated with many intelligent features which make your job of managing your promotions very easy. Subscribers can be segmented into groups and these groups can intuitively be added to the mailing lists based on their response pattern. This tool also lets you compare your several newsletters to gauge the overall efficiency. Automated reports can be sent to your email providing you the crucial data about your newsletters.

  1. A/B testing

This tool lets you customize and design your emails and newsletters on the basis of various responses and reports. Through this tool anything and everything related to your email can be tested. Testing template, email length, delivery time is marginally streamlined with the help of this testing tool. Even this tool can be customized as per your preferences about various metrics on significance level.

By this time you would be definitely convinced about the positives of However there are still more features that aren’t covered her yet prove useful to every marketer. Head over to GetResponse and try it out yourself.

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